HaMakom: Grief Ritual for the Three Weeks
A ritual guide booklet for the Three Weeks*, or any time you are needing/wanting to befriend and work with grief.
Written and designed by Rabbi Hayley Goldstein, with Art by Rabbi Arielle Stein
*The Three Weeks are a time of mourning in the Jewish calendar from the 17th of the month of Tammuz until the 9th of Av (usually in July/August on the Gregorian Calendar). Many challenging things are said to have happened on both of these days and between them, most commonly commemorated is the breaching of the walls of Jerusalem by the Romans on the 17th of Tammuz (70 CE), and the destruction of both the first and second Temple on the 9th of Av (423 BCE and 70 CE). It’s a time of grief in our calendar, where there are prohibitions but not very many prescriptions. We are told to generally be with grief, but not given much instruction on how to do that, which inspired me to create this ritual. You may use this ritual guide during the Three Weeks, or any time where you are being asked or asking to sit with grief.